Monday, February 28, 2011

more snow and drizzly rain of the freezing type

Today is the third time since he began cardiac rehab program that my husband, G. has not been able to attend due to weather! With all the fellow inhabitants of our town we are longing for spring and its flowers. There is relief knowing that we don't have to go out in our car - a benefit of retirement. There is anxiety associated with what are increased dangers with snow and ice at this point in life. Our dear neighbor has fallen and is now in rehab for injuries to her leg. Today there are very concrete fears and joys! So we remain in our cozy home, enjoying music, The New Yorker, and the antics of our elder and youngster cats!


Nan said...

I just found you from Morning's Minion. What a good idea for a blog. I'm what I call semi-retired since my full time job was being an at-home mother. :<) My kids aren't at home now but are still the most important part of my husband's and my life. One lives down the road and the other maybe 45 minutes away. I am so happy about this.

I just read a Maeve Binchy book which dealt with a heart care clinic and all the wonders of post-heart attack care - how people can truly live full lives.

I'm in New England too, and luckily, happily do love the winter. What a mess we had yesterday.

I'll be back to read more.

zephyr said...

just found your comment - happily, the sun is shining this afternoon. Glad to have you as a reader!